My 6 months of Absolute Bliss....
Born and raised here in Montreal I have always considered myself to be pretty independent. I was always the girl who wanted to have sleepovers, I was never homesick at sleep away camp and have always wanted to see what else was out there. 
Despite my desire to get away and see what else was out there I realized that Montreal still has so much to offer. McGill for example is one of the greatest universities in the world and I am fortunate enough to be able to attend such a great university located in the heart of my own, and such a beautiful city. 
One of the great things that McGill has to offer is its incredible student exchange program. When I first heard about it, I knew this was the perfect opportunity for me to get away, even if it would only be for a little while.
When I first applied, I had my heart set on Paris. A huge part of my family lives there and it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world; who wouldn't want to study in the city of love for six months?!
When I sadly got rejected from my school of choice, I was offered the chance at studying at University of Birmignham. Although the city is not as luxurious and aesthetically pleasing as Paris, I have zero regrets. My six months in Birmingham were the best six months of my life....

In the next few pages, I will give you a taste of Birmingham and a look at my six months spent abroad...
