My 6 months of Absolute Bliss....

Pictures From Spain

Spain was definitely experience! A couple of friends and I (see pictures), thought it would be fun to rent a car and drive up the coast of spain. We started in Barcelona and made our way through Seville, Alicante, Marbella where we finally ended up in Malaga. It was an incredible experience but we definitely were not expecting some of what happened. A day before we were set to fly back to school, my mom called me and told me that all flights for the next few days were going to be cancelled due to the Volcanic Ash. With zero idea of any current events or news from the around the world, we remained optimistic. Well....this optimism lasted, and lasted, and lasted. Five days later, a few hundred pounds spent, no more clean clothes, and a hostel that we realized wasn't as clean as we thought, we realized that we needed to do something. We had met a few people at our hostel who were in the same boat as us and we decided we would drive to Paris, take the train to London and than another train back to Birmingham. After 72 hours of driving in a Smart car, not much money and a HUGE lack of patience, we made it back to Birmingham. Looking back, despite the uncomfortable feeling of being in the same clothes for so long, and the cramped car ride and same CD on repeat, I can't help but smile. It was an incredible and truly marking part of my entire 6 months abroad.